Nursing Diagnosis

1. Risk for Bleeding

Goal: minimize bleeding

Expected Outomes: No bleeding, vital signs within normal limits, no anemis.

  • Monitor the patient's general condition
  • Monitor vital signs
  • Monitor the amount of bleeding patients
  • Monitor the event of anemia
  • Collaboration with the doctor about the problems that occur with bleeding: transfusion, medication.
(Diagnosis NANDA, NIC, NOC)

2. Ineffective airway clearance

Goal: to be effective airway clearance

Expected Outcomes: Frequency of normal breathing, no additional breath sounds, do not use additional respiratory muscles, dyspnoea and cyanosis does not occur.

  • Assess the sound or the depth of breathing and chest movement.
    Rational: Decreased breath sounds may lead to atelectasis, Ronchi, and wheezing showed accumulation of secretions.
  • Note the ability to remove mucous / coughing effectively
    Rational: bright lumpy or bloody sputum may result from damage to lungs or bronchial injury.
  • Give Fowler's or semi-Fowler position.
    Rational: Positioning helps maximize lung expansion and reduce respiratory effort.
  • Clean secretions from the mouth and trachea
    Rational: To prevent obstruction / aspiration.
  • Maintain a fluid inclusion at least as much as 250 ml / day unless contraindicated.
    Rational: Helping dilution of secretions.

  • Give medication in accordance with the indications mucolytic, expectorant, bronchodilator.
    Rational: Mucolytic to reduce cough, expectorant to help mobilize secretions, bronchodilators reduce bronchial spasms and analgesics are given to reduce discomfort.
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