Nursing Intervention for Placenta Previa

Placenta previa is a complication of pregnancy in which the placenta grows in the lowest part of the womb (uterus) and covers all or part of the opening to the cervix.

The placenta is the organ that nourishes the developing baby in the womb.

Nursing Diagnosis for Placenta Previa

Deficient Fluid volume: hypovolemia related to loss of vascular overload.

Expected results :
Demonstrating the stability / improvement of fluid balance as evidenced by stable vital signs, capillary filling fast. sensorium precise and specific gravity of urine output and adequate on an individual basis.

Nursing Intervention for Placenta Previa

1) Evaluation, report, and note the number and amount of blood loss. Perform calculations Weigh bandage bandage.
Rational: Estimated blood loss help differentiate the diagnosis, each gram increase in weight pads together with loss of approximately 1 ml of blood.

2) Make a bed rest. Ajurkan clients to avoid the Valsalva manover and coitus.
Rational: Bleeding can be stopped with a reduction of activity. Increased abdominal pressure or orgasm (which increases the activity of the uterus) can stimulate bleeding.

3) Position the client appropriately, supine position with hips elevated or semi - Fowler. Avoid Trendelenburg position.
Rational: To ensure adequate blood available to the brain, raising the pelvis to avoid compression of vena cava.

4) Record vital signs, capillary filling at the base of the nail, mucous membrane color / skin and temperature. Measure central venous pressure, if any.
Rational: To help determine the severity of blood loss, although cyanosis and changes in blood pressure, pulse is advanced signs of loss of circulation or the occurrence of shock.

5) Avoid rectal or vaginal examination
Rational: It can increase the hemorrhage, especially when marginal or total placenta previa occurs.

6) Give intravenous solution, plasma expander, complete blood count, or packaging cells, as indicated.
Rational: Increasing the volume of blood circulation and overcome the symptoms of shock.

7) Prepare for Caesarean section birth.
Rational: Hemorrhage stops when the placenta is removed and closed venous sinuses.