It is one of two types of bacterial pneumonia as classified by gross anatomic distribution of consolidation (solidification), the other being lobar pneumonia.
Nursing Diagnosis for Bronchopneumonia
Ineffective breathing pattern
related to:
Inflammatory process, decrease in lung complience, Pain
Possible evidenced by:
- dyspnea, tachypnea
- use of accessory muscles
- changes in the depth of breath
- abnormal blood gas analysis
Expected Outcome:
- Showed normal respiratory pattern / effective with blood gas analysis in the normal range
Nursing Intervention for Bronchopneumonia
Independent :
- Assess the frequency, depth of breathing and chest expansion
- Auscultation of breath sounds
- Elevate the head and help change the position
- Observation of the pattern of coughing and secretions characters
- Assist patients in deep breathing and coughing exercises effective
- Provide additional Oxygen
- Monitor blood gas analysis